3 - America
North America * Caraïbes * Brazil
A few people went also to America , but they never developpped a family branch till today. Exceptions are Pinchemel in Brazil and Pincemail in Guadeloupe.
- Louisiana: Noêl Pincemail arrived in 1752 with a ship of the French marine in Louisiana. We have no further information of him. Only in 1860 we know about an Auguste Pincemaille, soldier in the army of the South, prisonner in 1863, free in 1865 and living in New Orleans. No further info.
Dominican Republic : L(o)uisa Adelayde Pincemail, married with Manuel Valbrune had a daughter Josefina Valbrune Pincemail born 1824 in Santo Domingo, Dom. Rep. No further info.
- Guadeloupe : Pincemail, births between 1900 and 2000 (see Insee). Genealogy has yet to be made.
- Brasilia:Pinchemel. We find this people for exemple in the capital Brasilia (distrito Federal) and in the state Goias surrounding the capital Brasilia. Unknown if any relation with Pinchemel region Amiens, Somme, Fra. CH in the surname: maybe typical influence of the Portuguese language.
Two other cases we mentioned yet under the family branches of Belgium and France
- France, Metz : Mamer(Lux) -> Holy Cross, Ozaukee co, Wisconsin (Usa) in 1853: Theodore Pincemaille
- Belgium, Kortrijk-Oudenaarde-Tournai: Zwevegem ->Chicago (Usa) in 1903: Achiel Spincemaille,