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Homologues and Synonyms in other languages
Real Homologues Flemish "Spermalie", Medieval latin "Pincemedallia", English "Pinchpenny"=Norman "Pinsemaille", Polish "Stuligrosz" -> Stuligross (Usa) |
Synomyms base on the first part "Pince" of the Name. German (Knicker) Englisch (Niggard), Greek (Κνιπος), Iceland (Nauggur)
Author | Date | Meaning | |
Flemish "Spermalie" | |||
Woordenboek van de Familienamen in België en Noord-Frankrijk , F. Debrabandere, Gemeentekrediet, 1993 | We find in the
flemish part of Belgium "Spermalie" what comes from "sparen" (E:
spare, î éparagner) and malie (= Maille)
Ref: "Woordenboek van de Familienamen in België en Noord-Frankrijk" , F. Debrabandere, Gemeentekrediet, 1993. |
Medieval Latin "Pincemedallia" | |||
Lexicon manuale ad scriptores mediae et infimae latinitatis, W. H. Maigne d'Arnis , Paris 1866 repr 1977, 1168p. |
1866 repr 1977 |
In Medieval Latin we find Pincemedallia as synonym for
orig. ref. Charles Du îesne du Cange Glossarium mediæ at infimæ latinitatis (Frankfurt am Mainz, 1678) There exists a lot of editions of this book of Du Cange referenced as Charles Du îesne du Cange et alii "Glossarium mediæ at infimæ latinitatis", but probably the first time it mentionned "Pincemedallia" was in the editon of 1866, Paris. A revised reprint of his work came in 1977 by W.H. Maigne d'Arnis under the title "Lexicon manuale ad scriptores mediae et infimae latinitatis"(Paris) |
English "Pinchpenny", Norman "Pinsemaille" | |||
Various |
We find Pinchpenny mostley in litterature and today for a Company Pinchpenny Press. As patronyme we found it one time on internet : Sir John Pinckney, England's historic lawyer and Earl of Derby. His son, Thomas Pinchpenny, came to America in 1687 (LUDDINGTON-L Archives on Rootweb.com). |
Surname Origins, Their Source and Significations (1875)BY CHARLES WAREING BARDSLEY, M.A.
CHAPTER VI. NICKNAMES p. 482/483 (remark: we have structured the text for better legibility (F: lisibilité, Nl: leesbaarheid))
But we have not yet done with sobriquets of an unpleasant nature. Men of miserly (F: avare Nl: gierige) and penurious habits seem to have flourished in plentiful force in olden days as well as the present. `Irenpurse'figures several times in early rolls, and would be a strong, if somewhat rough, sarcasm against the besetting weak-ness of its first possessor. `Lovegold'is equally explicable.
' Pennifather,' however, was the favourite title of such. - An old couplet says: The liberall doth spend his pelfe, The pennyfather wastes himself. - It is found in the various forms of `Penifader,' 'Panyfader,' and ' Penifadir,' in the fourteenth century. - Pennypurse,`Halfpeny,' and ' Turnpeny' are met with at the same time, and somewhat later on ' Thick-peny.' - 'Broadpeny,' `Manypenny,' now corrupted into ' Moneypeny,' 'Winpeny,' now also found as Wimpenny,' 'Pinchpenny,' with its more directly. - ' Simon le Chuffere' occurs in the H. R. This was a common term of opprobrium for a miser (F: avare Nl: gierige). As 'Chuffer' it is found in the Townley Mysteries.St. George's Guild, Norwich 1(V.). I doubt not, was a crabbed peevish fellow. - ' The wife of Mr. Turnpenny, newsagent, Leeds, was yesterday delivered of two sons and one daughter, all of whom are doing well (Manchester.Evening News, July i, 1873.
Norman 2 ' Pinsemaille' and ' Kachepeny,' with its equally foreign `Cache-maille,' (F: tirelire, Nl: spaarpot, spaarvarken) are all also of the same early date3, and with one or two exceptions are to be met with to this very day.' It is a true criticism which, as is noticed by Archbishop Trench4, has marked the miserly (F: avare Nl: gierige) as indeed the emphatically miserable soul. ' ___________________ 1: Norwich Guild of St.George, founded in 1389, was one of the more prestigious urban Fraternities. The town of Lydd in Kent had its St George play by 1456. St George withe the dragon is the Patron of England. 2: Norman: origin of Normandy 3: early date: fourteenth century. 4: Archbishop Trench of Dublin: Archbishop Richard C. Trench (1807-1886) was a man whose passion for words and etymology led to the creation of the first Oxford English Dictionary. He did not come to Ireland until he was fifty-six years old. The Trench family was founded by a Frenchman who came over in the 16th century, but also his mother was purely French. |
Oekonomische Encyklopädie ..., D.Johann Georg Krünitz 1773- 1858, in 242 Thomes |
Oekonomische Encyklopädie oder allgemeines System der Staats- Stadt- Haus- und Landwirthschaft (Economical Encyclopedia or general System of the Economy of the State, City, Home and Land)
German (Knicker) Englisch (Niggard), Greek (Κνιπος), Iceland (Nauggur) are the equivalent in these various languages for the French Pincemaille in the German Encyclopedia (1773-1858, 242 thomes) of Kranitz
Polish "Stuligrosz" -> Stuligross (Usa) |
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Polish Surnames: Stuligrosz, Legally revised from "Stuligrosz" to "Stuligross" in Detroit, Michigan around 1935-1945. It's pretty clear this name comes from a combination of the root in the verb stulic~, "to squeeze together," and the noun grosz, "penny, small coin." In other words, this almost certainly started as a kind of nickname meaning much the same as "Pinchpenny" in English. |