<= What's in a Name

Bois de Pincemaille

(Vellereille-les-Brayeux, now part of  (great) Estinnes)

, situated at 4 km south  of the city of Binche, Hainaut,  in Belgium,


Not a lot is know about this place.


- 19th cent. It is traited in a study of forestry.


- < 1800. Till the Frenche revolution it was owned by the province of "Hainaut" and their sovereign. We have only a grave inscription of the "censier" Pierre-Antoine Cantineau mentioning this domain:

"Ici reposent les corps de Pierre-Antoine Cantineau en son vivant censier à la cense de Pinsmaille, paroisse de Vellereille-lez-Breyeuse 1750, 9 octobre agé de 40 ans, et de Marie Joseph Marc son épouse décédée le ... 17.. agée ... "


- 13th- 14th Cent? But it should be noted that the other part of the same forest is named "bois des Communes". It means that in earlier times the noble owner has given the local community the use of the wood of this part of the "forest". That could lead us to the 13th - 14th century. . 

Binche, Hainaut, B -  4 Km   h