<==  Genealogies Overview  


Paris -  Docs Chan

For Pincemaille, Pincemail and Pinchemel  we found 82 results mostly of  the "Ancien Regime" of Paris , in the Chan (1-77, 82) (Centre historique des Archives nationales) in Paris Bibgen (78-81) (Bibliothèque  généal.  de  France).  


You can see here a list of this documents and also the description of their functions (Offices) in the French administration

It was not yet possible to reconstitute the families. So normally you will not find these persons in our Indexes

But relevant info will be found in the doc in the "Minutes des notaires de Paris" about succession.


"Offices" in the "Ancien Regime".


During the "Ancien Regime" taxes were collected by "receveurs". They cought this functions "offices" and they became very quickly more or less heriditary. This functions also became a source of income for the state and there was a rise of all kind of this functions. In some cases the owner could be nobilised after a number of years they owned this function. Because this was not the most efficient way governing a state, a new function has been created to control as far as possible the execution of the decisions of the government.


Nevertheless this documents are very important for genealogy in Paris because:


  • Before the French revolution we find Pincemailles also in official functions and or linked with the parliament of Paris (? orig. from the branch of Villeneuve). The question arises what happened with this people,linked with the "Ancien régime", during the French revolution.

  • We find in the "Cartes de la sureté, sous la terreur 1792-1795" only 4 people and as far as we can see: originary from Paris, then Servigny (branch: Vany), Thonnance-lès-Joinville (mispelled as Thonas, branch: Thonnance ) and Senlis (branch: Villeneuve), but at the moment we could n't find the exact link with this branches. Probably the same info about "Pincemaille" in the CD of Geneanet "L'histoire de Paris pendant la Révolution Française"

    But a real disaster was that civil and parish registers have been destroyed in 1871 in a fire of the "Hôtel de ville" and the "Palais de Justice" when France lost the war against Germany. Parish registers before the French revolution has been reconstructed partly (1/4 of 10 millon acts, but also one of the 2 copies was lost ca 1995 in the fire of the fortress of Montlignon)  and microfilmed by the Mormons. For the period between 1795/1800 and 1860 a lot of information can be found in the  Archives Andriveau but access is limited to notaries.

    Description of the consulted online Databases.

    As you see only a limited part of all the documents have been digtalised. For exemple only 4 years  of the "minutes des notaires de Paris" (called Minutier Central): 1551, 1751, 1761, 1851.This analyis is based on the minutes and not on the repertoria. Nothing has been found in the year 1551. But a new project (base Miriad) is going on for the inventaries after decease  for  the years 1770 till 1790 and 1801 till 1850. Access to another dbase QUIDAM (ongoing, XIXth and XXth century) is no more possible at the moment and only one person has been found in this dbase. See for a full description of this ongoing work in the links mentionned below.

    Chan (1-77, 82)

    (Centre historique des Archives nationales) in Paris

    Leonore – Dossiers de Légion d'Honneur (XIXe et XXe siècles)

    Arno 1551  - Minutes des notaires de Paris (1551)
    Arno 1751 – Minutes des notaires de Paris (1751)
    Arno 1761 – Minutes des notaires de Paris (1761)
    Arno 1851 – Minutes des notaires de Paris (1851)
    Nat – Naturalisations, noms, titres, armoiries (1814–1853)
    Prof Provisions d'offices 1 (1730–1790)  

    Quidam - dossiers nominatifs des XIXe et XXe siècles 2

    Bibgen (78-81)

    (Bibliothèque  généal.  de  France)

    CartSur – Cartes de Sureté à Paris sous la Terreur (1792-1795)









    1For the defintions of the "Offices" in the 17th and 18th century see: Dictionnaire des institutions de la France aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles. Marion Marcel Ed Picard, Paris, 1989 (réédition de l'édition de 1923), available in all the A.D. See description of various functions

    2 Quidam: the consultation of this dbase is now for juridical reasons limited to the personnel of the "CHAN" and so the public limited version has been removed from internet ( version in 8 thematical groups: p.e. personel of the ministry of interior affairs). Quidam is based on the  dossiers at CHAN: "dossiers personnels de fonctionnaires ou assimilés (carrière, mouvement, pension) ; dossiers de récompense honorifique ; dossiers d'étudiants ; dossiers de condamnés ; dossiers de secours ou d'indemnités ; dossiers de missions scientifiques ou littéraires etc. "